If you can volunteer your skill, time and supplies on any of these projects, please get in touch... We never say no to help from children and adults of all ages - and can find the perfect project to set your helping hands to! Whether sewing, demolishing (sounds fun) or building, painting or gardening. WE NEED YOU to make our 2009 project the best yet!
Work includes... removing old fencing and trees; creating a new path; relocating a gate; tidying the back hedge; creating a Pond; trimming trees; clearing brambles; demolishing a low wall; clearing moss; repairing and painting Garage A as well as Garage B; demolishing more walls; trimming laurel bushes; removing corrugated shelter; creating new disabled bays; renovating fench drain; painting external windows on main building; painting window bars on main building; renovating electrical cupboard; creating new picnic tables; making curtains; gardening; building Bird and Bat boxes; conservation work on Galleywood Common; and creating Story bags for up to 5 years old for the Children's day centre...
Want to get involved? Email us today!