Saturday, 28 June 2008

The day in pictures... (3)

This event was also widely publicised for the community to get involved. The goal was to widen our outreach and include volunteers from other faiths, as well as from the immediate surrounding area. Anne (from St. Michael's parish in Braintree) commented, "Thank you so much for letting me join in. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and you made me feel so welcome. I think is it great all this work you are doing for MY community. I am sorry I could not stay all day... but have really enjoyed my hour with you all."

It was commented by all who had never seen a Helping Hands Day in action, just how many youth and children were happy to get involved... paint brushes at the ready. It is unusual to see kids of all ages working alongside their mums or dads, aunts, friends, neighbours... and strangers.

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