Saturday, 28 June 2008

The day in pictures... MEDIA COVERAGE

Local papers sent photographers. Shauna (from the Braintree & Witham Times) as well as Paul (from the Essex Chronicle) took a series of pictures which we hope will make this week's news. The project really highlights the MASSIVE improvements that can occur when loads (hundreds!!) of people all set about to make a difference in just ONE day...

Whether it is painting, sewing, rendering, cutting, mowing, pruning, digging, sanding, building or just taking round cold drinks (which were well needed in the blazing Essex sun!!) the tasks undertaken today created a vibrant buzz around a Hospital that was threatened with closure. With a little (well... actually A LOT) of graft; restoring tired facades and crumbling exteriors gave the whole place a feeling of vitality.

The staff nurses I spoke to on the ward (which kept functioning "business as usual") said, "This has been marvelous. It has been so lovely to see all the changes. The outside really needed a facelift, and what you have done here has made a huge difference."

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